
“SUSTAINABILITY” (<English Sustainable>) s. F. Quality of an anthropic activity to be carried out without exhausting the available resources and without destroying the environment, therefore without compromising the possibilities of satisfying the needs of the next generations. The 1992 World Conference on the Environment in Rio de Janeiro paid particular attention to this concept, which involves striking a balance between economic growth and environmental protection and finding alternative resources. When referring to the overall economic development of a country or region, the term synonymous with sustainable development is usually preferred. ” Source: DEX Online
We do not want to wave a word without content just because it is a fashionable word from which everyone understands what he wants. This is why I have attached the definition given by the dictionary.
Sustainable development and business responsibility are at the core of our company values and have become a belief. Caring for employees and the community, respecting the law, protecting resources and the environment are values that help us develop with our future in mind.

Caring for the environment.
We are attentive to the environment from the design and organization phase of the site. For each project we aim for the intervention in nature to be minimally invasive and at the end of the works we respectfully render the site of the environment. We recycle, capitalize, and optimize so that the impact on the environment is as small as possible. This helps us grow through innovation.

Respect for employees.
We believe that our employees are a human value and not a human resource. We are always concerned with increasing the cohesion of the team, the personal and professional development of each of us and we are confident that we have employees with whom we started on the first day and many of the employees with more than 10 years in the company.

We care about the community.
The community is the long-term beneficiary of the electricity projects implemented by us but also the place where we live, work, and develop. Community is an environment we want to reward with value. We are involved every year in projects to help children with disabilities and those in disadvantaged situations, trying to help with joy and honesty.