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• Low voltage electrical installations
• Low voltage overhead power lines (OHL jt)
• Underground low voltage power lines (LES jt)
• Transformation stations

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Execution, design, technical assistance, consultancy and service for medium voltage networks, power supplies, 20KV lines and stations

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Construction and maintenance of photovoltaic parks with installed capacities of up to 30 MW

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Value. Professionalism. Readiness.

Silkat Electric Grup

Today, electricity means more to us than energy. Modern projects are designed to provide our lives with the connectivity, comfort, and security we need every day. Their realization involves innovation, access to the latest technologies and care for the environment and the community.

With a complete expertise in the field of low and medium voltage power lines but also in telecommunications and renewable energies, our company aims to contribute to the community through the added value of each energy project carried out.

Silkat Electric Grup
Silkat Electric Grup

A team formed in almost 20 years of experience, engineers and electricians, will manage each project with involvement and promptness, according to a project management methodology. Open communication and flexible approach to situations will give you the most pleasant collaboration experience in carrying out your projects.


We invite you to take a journey together. A road during which the satisfaction of a well-thought-out, impeccably realized and implemented electricity project should be the topics we intend to talk about…


Held in accordance with the decisions of ANRE and the accreditation bodies…


“SUSTAINABILITY The quality of an anthropic activity to be carried out without exhausting the available resources and without destroying the environment, thus without compromising the possibilities of satisfying the needs of the next generations…


We invite you to take a journey together. A road during which the satisfaction of a well-thought-out, impeccably realized and implemented electricity project should be the topics we intend to talk about…


Held in accordance with the decisions of ANRE and the accreditation bodies…


“SUSTAINABILITY The quality of an anthropic activity to be carried out without exhausting the available resources and without destroying the environment, thus without compromising the possibilities of satisfying the needs of the next generations…
Cadicheanu Valentin
Cadicheanu Valentin
Colaborare excelenta de la început până la sfârșit, profesioniști adevărați. Mulțumesc pentru tot!
Gherghe Aurel
Gherghe Aurel
Sunt foarte multumit de cum am colaborat cu cei de la Silkat. S-au ocupat de tot, de la cererea de finantare, instalare, cerere de racordare, pana la dosar de prosumator, servicii de monitorizare etc, si au facut-o cu profesionalism. Ii recomand cu cea mai mare incredere.
Ruxandra Tirnoveanu
Ruxandra Tirnoveanu
O experienta minunata cu cei de la Silkat. M-au ajutat cu cererea de racordare si cu toate etapele procesului de instalare, iar la montaj s-au comportat ca niste profesionisiti adevarati. S-au ocupat si de dosarul de prosumator, astfel incat n-am avut nici o bataie de cap. Am avut toata disponibilitatea lor de la inceput. Ii recomand cu cea mai mare incredere!
Ioan Ciuca
Ioan Ciuca
Echipa de profesioniști serioși și punctuali. Experiența a fost de nota 10 începând cu proiectarea, execuția și prezentarea documentației la furnizorul de energie Electrica pentru a deveni prosumator. Mulțumesc pentru realizarea sistemului fotovoltaic, motiv pentru care am livrat in decurs de un an in sistemul energetic național cantitatea de 2,5 MW. Ii recomand pentru profesionalismul și probitatea profesională de care au dat dovada.
Anca Breazu
Anca Breazu
Experienta mea cu SILKAT arata profesionalism, dedicare fata de clienti si dorinta de a gasi solutiile potrivite fiecarei situatii in parte. Nu in ultimul rand promptitudine in executia lucrarii si finalizarea serviciilor incluse in contract. Multumesc frumos!
Sabin Girlea
Sabin Girlea
Super profesionalism, totul ca la carte. Montarea panourilor s-a facut in mai putin de o saptamana de la semnarea contractului.
Mihai Iliescu
Mihai Iliescu
Sunt foarte multumit pentru executia lucrarii si profesionalismul echipei care a dat dovada de seriozitate si promptitudine.
Vlad L
Vlad L
O colaborare impecabila de la inceput, oferta si proiectare, pana la sfarsit cu dosar prosumator depus si aprobat. Montajul s-a facut la inceputul lunii Decembrie, chiar daca temperatura de afara nu depasea 10 grade si au fost zile cu ceva ploaie. Sistemul montat a fost unul de 4,5kW trifazic care isi face treaba impecabil.
Ovidiu Iorga
Ovidiu Iorga
Excellent performance, from the beginning to end, from planning to execution and technical support.
Cristian Tomescu
Cristian Tomescu
Super profesionisti de la ofertare pana la instalare si suport tehnic.